Friday, July 25, 2008

Verbatim Teaser

Well, I am finally ready to let loose a bit of a teaser. Some of you know that I'm in the middle of writing a script for a film that I would like to see produced and submitted to festivals. It's been an interesting process so far and we are definitely still in the infant stages of this. All of this is subject to change (including the title), but if you're interested you can head over to to check out the Verbatim teaser page. Currently there is only some sparse graphics and a song at that page, but a synopsis and accompanying materials will arrive in time. I want to document the process of this film from its early stages, hence this teaser site.

For those of you interested, the song was put together in GarageBand in conjunction with a MIDI keyboard that I use to compose with here at home. Let me know what you think. :)

1 comment:

Lauryn said...

I love it Stephen! Can't wait to hear more about it!