Friday, July 18, 2008

The Great Voice Message Debate - #2

Which was better- The Original Star Wars Trilogy or The Lord of the Rings Trilogy?
Click on the play button to here the message and responses.

1 comment:

Darryl said...

I don't have your phone number so I'm not able to participate in your silly debate, but "David" is so wrong. The question wasn't about which was the better book, but which was the better movie series. And as much as I've heard that "The Lord of the Rings" is allegorical, I just don't see it. "Star Wars" (Episode IV: A New Hope) changed moviemaking forever...good or bad, it did. That's something LOTR did not do. Is the original trilogy flawed? Certainly. Is it cheesy? Delightfully. Maybe if Frodo had flown an X-Wing, he could have reached Mount Doom a lot more quickly and the whole bloody mess could have been cut down to less than 90 minutes.