Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BTC Conference

I'd like to encourage you to pray for (and consider attending if you are a young adult) the upcoming BTC Conference which will take place in August. My home church, Grace Covenant, is the one heading up this conference and we are really excited to see what the Lord will do with our efforts. This conference was the original idea of my good friend David Giarizzo, who has been spearheading the efforts to develop and implement the conference. David is currently at the ARBCA General Assembly and will speaking to the pastors and assembly there to follow-up the official announcement of the conference during last year's GA. Here's so more info on the conference itself:

  • What? Reformed Baptist Young Adults Conference
  • When? August 8th - 11th, 2008
  • Where? Prescott, Arizona
  • Speaker? Pastor Bob Selph

The goal of BTC is to help young people understand the importance of the local church. Our hope is that this younger generation of Reformed believers will grow in love for Christ and His Church and will pursue active involvement in the local congregation.

BTC is not a “single’s conference.” This conference is geared towards all young adults, 18+ yrs old, regardless of marital status!

We hope to see the BTC conference become a regularly anticipated and attended conference for young adults across the country for many years to come!

Soli Deo Gloria!

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