Sunday, January 13, 2008

Covenant Marriage License

Celeste and I have elected to pursue getting a covenant marriage license over the traditional marriage license available. Some interesting facts about covenant marriage licenses:
  • There are only 3 states that offer this type of marriage license: Louisiana, Arkansas, and Arizona.
  • In Arizona, less than .25% of couples getting married choose to use this type of license.
  • This type of license has been debated since 1947 when France discussed its creation. It wasn't until 1997 that Louisiana became the first state to pass the creation of covenant marriage licenses in an effort to curb quick divorces.
To be honest- the binding part of our marriage promise to one another does not come from the state-issued license, it comes from the vow that we are making in front of an almighty God who has brought us to one another. However- pursuing a covenant marriage makes a statement in our minds to the public. It tells people that we are willing and able to make our marriage different from what the world perceives. It is a way for us to become part of that 'less than .25%' and make a statement before God and those that are attending our wedding. It is a way of saying that marriage is good, right, special, and a God-given blessing to sinful man.

1 comment:

David & Paige said...

Welcome to the club, dawg!