Monday, December 10, 2007

God Sustains...

God is amazing my friends! I am constantly refreshed and reminded of his awesomeness during my own personal times of stress. Moving both my fiance and myself to new, separate residences whilst planning a wedding and working full-time has definitely added a bit more stress recently (though it is hardly something to complain about in the grand scheme of things!). Its amazing how he places individuals in my life who direct me down the proper path. This week, that encouragement took the form of several people in my life: my fiance reminding me that God is in control, stumbling across an encouraging letter that was written by a friend, spending time with my brother and just enjoying his company and casual conversation. These were all simple things that people did to point me towards the excellent example of Christ.

Friends, I am so very thankful and indebted to my Lord for consistently and willfully bearing my load of sin. He holds me close in the toughest of times and blesses me beyond what I deserve. Thank you God for being far greater, grander, and magnificent than any problem or tribulation on this planet. You are so very good!

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